What's the main self limiting lie you tell yourself?

Feb 08, 2023

Here’s an important question.

What’s the biggest lie you tell yourself that keeps you from having the life, the business, or the healthy bank account that you want?

Maybe it’s something like one of these.

  • “I’m too busy to have time to create an online program.”
  • “I'm not an expert in anything...who am I to teach something to someone.”
  • “Nothing ever works out the way I want.”
  • "I'm a manual therapist...how can I help clients online without seeing them face to face"?

These kinds of self-assessments are so common that there’s a term for them: self-limiting beliefs.

  1. We all have them.
  2. They’re all B.S.
  3. And you can overcome each and every one.

Our beliefs come from our thoughts. And while you can’t choose whatever thought crosses your mind, you can choose which you grab onto and worry about, which ones you build into big scary monsters – when they would’ve just drifted away into nothingness if you’d let them.

Instead, hold onto the positive beliefs you have about yourself. And if you don’t have any of those, then look at yourself objectively until you find something that makes you feel good about yourself.

  • You passed all your university exams…you do know your stuff!
  • You volunteer at a non-profit… you are kind and caring!
  • Your in-person patients love you and you help them enormously...so your online clients will be no different...You can have the same positive impact in the online space!

Whatever they are, nurture these positive beliefs and repeat them to yourself whenever that nasty self-doubt starts talking in your head. 

It’s up to you what you focus on. So, choose what will set you free from negative self-lies and guide you toward positivity and growth. Say it out loud. Write it in your journal. Tell a friend, family member, or coach.

This might take repeated effort. But you know what? You’re worth it! And I'm here to help you create new possibilities and beliefs about yourself and your business.

Make 2023 the year you finally give yourself the location, time and financial freedom you deserve,

Andrea :)

PS. In 16 weeks I show health and wellness business owners how to stop trading time for money by launching their own profitable online coaching program. Book a complimentary Discovery Call before Valentines Day (14th Feb) to save $1000 USD: https://www.andrearobertson.health/wcs