Why We’re Compelled to Seek Personal Growth

Jun 21, 2023

Growth and movement are good things, right? You bet! They’re even totally NATURAL. In fact, they’re absolutely essential elements of life. 

So, it’s only natural that we are compelled to seek personal growth as we move forward in our journeys as health/wellness practitioners and business owners. 

Well, that’s true for those of us who have a growth mindset, at least. I’d say that covers roughly half the people I know – including people like you, and my clients, who are seeking paths to improvement.

I’ve noticed a funny thing about people like us with this “growth mindset.” Once we walk one path of improvement, go through a learning process, or reach a goal… Well, we start off on another one!

We know that GETTING something at the end of the journey isn’t the only value.

We know that the journey itself is at least half the attraction. We are naturally curious. We like to improve ourselves. We like to grow our businesses. We like to be help others. We are not afraid of change – at least, not so afraid that it freezes us in place. 

The other half? Well, they’re of a “fixed” mindset. Absent curiosity. Unwilling to change. Maybe even afraid to try something new. Definitely unwilling to create an online program. 

For them, success means trying to stay still and hoping nothing bad happens. Hoping another staff member doesn't leave. Hoping that the rent and electricity doesn't go up again. Hoping that more new patients will walk through the door. 

But guess what? LIFE HAPPENS!

You and I know it, or we wouldn’t be communicating with each other. We don’t just accept that fact about life. We embrace it.

When you crave self-improvement, you’re more engaged with the world, with other people, and with yourself. You’re more inquisitive, more accepting, and less likely to be pushed around – because you’re confident enough to go with the flow when necessary. You seek challenges and opportunities to grow both yourself and your business. 

So, bravo to you! If somebody else wants to stay the same and continue to trade time for money, don’t let it deter you from your next challenge, journey or attempt to grow and move forward.

It’s your nature, after all! And I'm are here to help. Book a complimentary discovery call here: https://www.andrearobertson.health/wcs

Andrea :)