Ditching Limiting Beliefs and Self-Sabotage

Aug 02, 2023

What do you tell yourself about yourself?

Do you say, "I couldn't start an online course because I'm no good at tech"?

Do you say, "I'm not good with being on camera, so I wouldn't be successful online"?

Do you say, "No one would buy my program, so what's the point in creating it"?

Do you say, " I don't have time to create an online program,"?

Do you believe it?

Does it hold you back from getting what you want?

Does it keep you working 1:1 with clients, not making enough money after paying staff, and feeling tired and worn out at the end of each day? 

It would be nice if we all told ourselves only positive self-affirmations about how confident, successful and smart we are.

But too often, it’s the opposite. We tell ourselves the most awful insults – hurtful comments we would never lob at a friend.

We all do it. We all tell ourselves limiting self-beliefs. And they’re all such nonsense. 

Whenever you hear one, stop it dead in its tracks. Replace it with something positive and helpful about yourself – the kind of thing you WOULD tell a distraught friend.

  • You CAN do this...remember you started your current business from scratch…
  • You are super confident with your current in-person clients, so why not for online too…
  • You've learnt and mastered many new things before...so why would learning tech be different…
  • You do have enough time, and you get to choose what to do with it. 

Choose to focus on the positive messages that will fuel you forward.

Yes, negative self-lies will cross your mind sometimes – and that’s OK. You can’t control what crosses your mind, so just… let it… go.

What’s more, I want you to start writing these positive self-statements in your journal. Share them with loved ones. Say them to yourself in the mirror.

You know these things are true, and you know that they’re helpful.

You’re just not hearing them enough!

Andrea x

PS. I show health, wellness and fitness business owners how to stop trading time for money by launching their own profitable online coaching program. Book a complimentary Discovery Call to learn how diversifying online can create the freedom you desire: https://www.andrearobertson.health/wcs