The Cost of Inaction

Nov 02, 2023

Here’s a big lie that too many people use as an excuse to stay time poor and cash strapped:

"Taking action (in this case, building an online business) uses time, money and energy that I just can’t afford to lose".


Of all the reasons I hear from people saying they would LOVE to create an online program but they simply CAN’T… well, this is what they boil down to. 

And the worst part is, it’s just not true! I KNOW that building a successful online program does the opposite. Taking your expertise online PRODUCES & SAVES time, money and energy. And… get this … the cost of NOT acting is far greater.

I don’t even mean philosophically. Let’s bottom-line it: People who don’t look for another way, often end up burnt out over time from constant 1:1 appointments. They went into healthcare because they wanted to help others. But not at the detriment of their own health. They push themselves to start earlier, and finish later...working longer days because they can't say No to a patient or client in need. They take time away from their family. 

If you take that first step towards creating an online business, you can have more of all the good stuff in life. More time, more energy, and – yes – more money.

That’s because it’s an investment, not a cost – just like saving money out of each pay slip is an investment.

Think of building your online business that way. Every coach you work with. Every YouTube video you watch. Every program you sign up for. It's all an investment. And investment into you and your business. An investment that will come back ten-fold for you when you launch your first online coaching program.

You and your business are worth investing in.

I don’t just believe it. I know it.

Do you?

Don't let inaction cost you. Don't say "I'm not ready now, but I will be next year". That costs you. Starting now starts lifting your wealth and time freedom NOW.

I show health practitioners and coaches how to stop trading time for money by building and/or scaling their own profitable online coaching program.

Book a complimentary Discovery Call to create true time, location and financial freedom:

Andrea :) amazing is this sunset in my photo? I was at an opera, on the beach, in Rarotonga... where I'm based for 3 months doing an Osteopathy locum (for my registration hours)... while still doing my online work, making money while I sleep, and enjoying travel and island life! Can't get much better than this!