Why Motivation Is Overrated

Jul 31, 2023

 Motivation is to exercise what attraction is to a relationship.

It might be the spark that gets you started, but it’s not enough for lasting success. 

No, in pursuing just about anything that takes time, motivation is overrated and fleeting – whether you’re trying to lose weight, gain physical fitness, or achieve financial security. This is exactly why I spoke at length about motivation and why we don't need it, during my recent 5 Day Nutrition Reset. 

Instead of motivation, which comes fast and rarely lasts, you need to take action and build discipline.

  • That means doing the work even when you don’t feel like it.
  • Making the small sacrifices that add up over time.
  • And keeping your eye on the prize you’ve set for yourself, not the distractions that come with every little dip in the road.

This journey starts with the right mindset. Embrace the fact that you are more than enough – smart, hardworking, and deserving of every ounce of success that comes your way. Expect the emotions that will come and go, but don't let them dictate your actions.

There will be days when you feel frustrated, and yes, downright unmotivated, but that's all part of the game – it's not a reason to throw in the towel.

The secret sauce is in consistent effort over time. Stick to your plan, regardless of how you feel in the moment.

Follow your plan, not your feelings.

Because remember this: No one ever said, “I really regret that workout.” Or “I wish I’d eaten the rest of that pizza.”

Motivation is exhilarating, and it get's you started, but action and discipline will carry you across the finish line. 

Andrea x

PS. I have a 12 week program that is designed to help women over 35 end the cycle of dieting, using a simple science-backed approach to losing weight and keeping it off, so they can fit back into their clothes, feel great and thrive with energy and body confidence. We learn hacks to make motivation not matter! Let's have a chat about how I can help you. Book in a time for a free Discovery Call here: https://www.andrearobertson.health/12WeekProgram