When Your Loved Ones Are NOT on Board

Oct 17, 2022

Wouldn’t it be nice if everyone in your life supported your healthy living goals? 

If your partner, kids, friends, family and colleagues all sat together in your cheering section? There to help with daily tasks while offering encouragement, too?

Ah, yes. 

Fantasies are nice, indeed. 

But sometimes reality lets us down. People in our lives aren’t always supportive, even if they want to be.  

And while that’s unfortunate, it’s not an excuse to give up or to feel sorry for yourself or to resent them.

Here are some strategies for doing what YOU NEED TO DO FOR YOU, regardless of how others react to it.

  1. Remember your goals are YOURS, not anyone else’s. You’re the hero of your own story, but that doesn’t mean everyone else is in a supporting role. They have their own stuff on their minds, and they might not understand your motivation. 
  2. Be clear about the support you need. Some people want to help but don’t know how. Others might respond to specific requests. In other words, instead of getting hurt when your partner doesn’t always do what you hope, state your need specifically: To pick up Timmy from soccer practice at 6 p.m. so you can work out with your trainer.
  3. In your actions and, if necessary, in words, remind people you love that relationships are two-way streets. So, give them support where they need it, too. 
  4. Offer to include them in your new ventures. They’ll probably appreciate being asked – and realise that your new habits aren’t a threat to your relationships. For example, how would your work lunch-buddy feel about taking a walking lunch break a couple of times a week? Ask!
  5. Follow the principle of “attraction rather than promotion.” When people see how much happier you are with your new lifestyle, they’ll be more likely to acknowledge it than if you tell them they need to make the same changes.
  6. Find new people, like workout buddies or others at the gym in small group sessions. You’ll hold each other accountable because you’re going through the same experience and probably have similar goals and struggles.
  7. Keep a journal. Breathe. Meditate. 

Ultimately, it’s up to you, even when your emotional needs aren’t being met by people you care about. 

You’re learning so much about yourself, even if you have all the support in the world – and more about yourself if you don’t.

Embrace your journey, my friend.

You got this.

 Andrea x

PS. My 12 Week Program has closed intakes for 2022, however we will kick off again early January. If you are keen to know more, book in a free Discovery Call now. Those who sign up before November 28th will be granted free participation my 21 Day Countdown to Christmas Challenge.

My program is designed to help women over 35 end the cycle of dieting, using a simple science-backed approach to losing weight and keeping it off, so they can fit back into their clothes, feel great and thrive with energy and body confidence. Book a Discovery call with me here: https://www.andrearobertson.health/12WeekProgram / To Book a Discovery Call, click the link in my bio.