How to eliminate excuses

Jun 20, 2022

When we were kids, we could find excuses for anything, right?

  • For not going to bed on time.
  • For fighting with siblings.
  • For not getting homework done.

As adults, we’ve learned to take responsibility for our actions and failures – at least
most of the time. But there’s always a supply of excuses waiting within reach
whenever we want to use one, including about our health and fitness.

  • Your spouse, your kids, the traffic.
  • Your boss.
  • No time. Too much work.
  • On and on...

So how do we get rid of this childhood habit once and for all? Here are some of my
best ideas..

➡️ Realise you’re only hurting yourself when you find a scapegoat. It doesn’t hurt the
trainer, your significant other, your doctor ... anyone else.

➡️ Let go of the persecution complex. Traffic doesn’t happen to just you. Everyone’s
boss throws a wrench in their plans sometimes. Nobody “feels like it” all the time, even
those who seem divinely motivated to make it look easy.

➡️ Stop comparing yourself to others. It only sets you up to feel “less than” and not
good enough, which undermines your motivation and negative self-talk.

➡️ Seek inspiration from others who keep getting up every time they fall. This can be
someone at work, a friend at the gym, or even a figure in fiction.

➡️ Acknowledge your strengths and weaknesses alike. Let’s say you’re good at getting
to the gym on time, but you don’t work as hard as you want. OK – great! How can you
build on that? Work out with a friend or trainer, take a group class, or meditate for a
few moments before you walk in? What you don’t want to do: Tell yourself it’s someone
else’s fault that you’re not quite hitting it.

➡️ Scratch the surface. What’s underneath the need to make an excuse? Are you afraid
of something? Feeling insecure or intimidated? Whatever it is, a little introspection can
help identify the source, and from there, you’re closer to eliminating it.

➡️ Repeat success. When something works for you, repeat it. Think about why – and
how you can apply the lesson elsewhere.

I’d love for you to hit reply and let me know which tip is most helpful!

Andrea x

PS. If you're willing to quit the excuses and put your own health and wellness first for once, you need to know about my 12 Week Program. It is designed as a total body health overhaul. A lovely side effect of getting healthy just happens to be weight loss. So my program is also designed to help women over 35 end the cycle of dieting, using a simple science-backed approach to losing weight and keeping it off, so they can fit back into their clothes, feel great and thrive with energy and body confidence. If you’d like to know more, please book a Discovery call with me on