Don’t get fit for summer, start now!

Oct 24, 2022

Summer is such a powerful time. It’s packed full of emotions and memories that can affect our mindset and mood.

We all have nostalgia around summer with the sights and smells and that feeling of being free. 

You know that healthy habits are key to living your best lives in the sun, to enjoying friends, family and travel – and, yes, to looking your best.

But remember that your core, long-term commitment is more important in the long run than any seasonal stimulation or motivation. It comes from within, from knowing your “why” – and it’s truly the most powerful thing. 

Which is why I want to say – don’t get fit for summer. Commit to fit for life. And start now!

So, take a moment now to look within yourself and recall your main motivation for leading a healthy lifestyle.  

  • Maybe you want to get leaner so you look, feel and move better.
  • Maybe you want to improve athletic performance – or your ability to keep up with the kids.
  • Maybe your commitment to healthy living has taken root in your identity, and you want to keep nurturing it all year long. 

It doesn’t matter what it is – no judgment here. 

Take a moment to pause and be grateful for how far you’ve come so far this year. 

You’ve earned a moment in the sun, for sure. Keep the power of your “why” close by for now and get ready for those lovely summer months which are only 5 weeks away here in Australia.

You got this!

Andrea x

PS. My 12 Week Program has closed intakes for 2022, however we will kick off again early January. If you are keen to know more, book in a free Discovery Call now. Those who sign up before November 28th will be granted free participation my 21 Day Countdown to Christmas Challenge.

My program is designed to help women over 35 end the cycle of dieting, using a simple science-backed approach to losing weight and keeping it off, so they can fit back into their clothes, feel great and thrive with energy and body confidence. Book a Discovery call with me here: