5 Simple Ways to Relieve Stress

Aug 07, 2023

Nearly every woman I speak to tells me they have some level of stress in their lives. And even if they say they are not stressed, they are always busy. Being busy is also a stress on the body. It might be work, or looking after elderly parents, or running around after kids, or having teenagers in the house. 

Stress is inevitable, but that doesn’t mean we can’t take steps to relieve it. 

Here are five of the best, simplest solutions to shake it off.

  1. Move your body. We love exercise, of course, but even just going for a walk or dancing around the house can help. It’s like a reset button on your stress hormones and blood pressure, bringing fresh oxygen to your brain and putting a smile on your face.
  2. Deliberately relax. Find a cozy spot, get comfy, and take some deep, slow breaths. Repeat a simple rhythmic phrase with your inhale, like “Love In,” and another when you exhale, like “Stress Out.” Feel that tension melting away already?
  3. Express gratitude. Take a moment to count your blessings. Write in your journal, or anywhere, a few things that you’re grateful for. Or tell them to someone. It’s hard to be stressed out when you’re reminded about the good things in your life.
  4. Reach out. Stroke a pet, hug a family member, or sneak in a smooch with your partner. Physical touch has proven stress-reducing effects, so don’t be shy to share some love.
  5. Smile and laugh. Studies show that putting on a smile – even a fake one – gets us moving in the right direction. And laughter doesn’t have to be “real” to truly be the best medicine. Try it! If that feels a little goofy, rely on a classic show to do the trick.

Also remember to stick to a sleep schedule, eat right for YOU, and express yourself in healthy ways.

I was listening to a podcast yesterday that said if we exercise, we are reducing our risk for all cause mortality (that's dying of anything) in the next year by 400%. But they also said the basics are just as important. Get enough sleep. Eat an anti-inflammatory diet. Find purpose in your life. And one I think is also important...have fun! 

With these solutions in your toolkit, you've got the power to tame that stress monster and live with more ease and joy.

For help with ALL of this, my 12 week Nutrition, Mindset, Movement program is designed to help women over 35 end the cycle of dieting, using a simple science-backed approach to losing weight and keeping it off, so they can fit back into their clothes, feel great and thrive with energy and body confidence.

Book a Discovery call with me here: https://www.andrearobertson.health/12WeekProgram . We can chat about your health concerns and goals, and how I can help!

Andrea x