Unlock the secrets of writing a social post that attracts new clients – follow my 5 steps!

Dec 20, 2023

I started my online business 6 years ago, and over this time, I've refined my skills and strategy around writing content for socials. I'm proud to say, I have unlocked the secrets to writing content that works!

In fact just this past week, I've booked 6 Discovery Calls just from my social media content... AND once I have a Discovery Call booked, it's very likely to become a sale, as my conversion from a call is 80-90%.

What about you? Are you in the social media grind? Often stuck for ideas? Writing posts because you know you 'should' get something out today? But it looks like no-one sees your content, and even worse, no sales come in? You sometimes post for the sake of posting, without a clear strategy or purpose?

What if it could be different? What if you had a strategy that actually worked? If you could ALWAYS attract new clients from your social media content? On repeat. By only spending 1-3 hours per week writing your content?

So let me share with you, my strategy on how to write social posts that attract new clients.

1) You MUST know your ideal client. Listen when you have clients 1:1. Listen when you conduct sales calls. Conduct a survey of your current clients or those on your email list. You need to know them like they are you...then in each post remember to speak to their pain points, dreams and desires.

2) Make sure you schedule time in your calendar each week to create your social content at a time you are MOST creative. Are you a morning person or a night owl? This will help you work out when you are most creative. Turn off all distractions: facebook is off, phone is off, emails are off. And keep your commitment to yourself - don't let other admin tasks distract you. Creating social content moves the needle. Doing your bank reconciliation doesn't. It's important, but it doesn't move the needle, and it's not for your creative time!

3) In this creative time, once a month, batch create 30 days of Hooks. Once you are on a roll, it's very easy to keep creating hooks - think of these as the title for your post. And create your hooks under the titles of Education, Problem Awareness, Client Results, Personal Storytelling and Inspirational/Viewpoint categories. If you would like a copy of the exact Hook Templates that I use each month to create my social content, comment 'HOOKS' below and I'll send it over to you.

4) The next step is to batch write your weekly content ONCE per week. Do this in your creative time also. When writing your posts take your audience on a journey...show them where they could be, where they are, and where they can be. I call that the 'dip'.

5) Then, set up some templates in Canva that you can use for designs for a Facebook Post, for Instagram Carousels and for Instagram Stories. Repurpose your content across all these formats. Once the template is done, your content design becomes VERY easy. And use some software to store the posts like Monday.com, or schedule them to a scheduler like Planoly.

I can't wait to hear how your next week's content creation flows using my strategy. Please let me know!

If you're a health practitioner or coach, and if you're ready to help more people, and make more money, I'm the coach for you! Let's chat about how I can help you do this - send me an email at [email protected] or send me a DM on Instagram at @dr_andrearobertson and I'll be in touch,

Andrea x